Who is a 'Gamer'?

Dictionary.com, a commonly-referenced way to define words in the 21st century, defines a 'gamer' as "a person who plays games, especially computer or video games".

It may seem simple from the outside that anyone who plays any kind of game could coin the title of 'gamer', but it really isn't that simple in the gaming world. Those who identify as 'hardcore gamers' tend to have egotistical views of their hobby and continually like to put others, usually women, down for their gaming habits.

Let's clear everything up before I explain the diversity of gamers. If you want to know if you're a gamer, ask yourself these questions:

  1. Do you play one or more mobile, video, or computer games?
  2. Do you enjoy playing one or more mobile, video, or computer games?
If you said yes to both of these, congratulations, you're a gamer!
Image result for gamer
Image source: https://www.101india.com/sports/so-you-want-be-gamer

Everyone has completely different lifestyles. On one hand, it is true that the more often someone plays a game, the more likely they are to maybe be a bit better at it or just know/ understand a game more. With that said, however, the gaming universe has become so diverse and intricate that sometimes just playing a game 10 minutes a day is all that can be squeezed in. Mobile games are a great example of needing little time to enjoy a quick game or to collect resources for a virtual farm.
On the flip side, someone like me might not touch her gaming device all week to avoid distractions, but then play two six-hour sessions on the weekend to get her gaming fix. Some people stream their games daily (see twitch.com) and can make time for that. It all comes down to lifestyle and availability.

You are no less or more of a gamer for how many hours you put into a game or what type of game you play. If anyone tells you otherwise, ignore them.
