
Welcome to Women in Gaming!

With this website, I hope to provide an amalgam of various views, findings, and resources in relation to female gamers and those in the gaming industry.

What is so incredible about gamers and even the gaming industry is that the options are incredibly vast. There is simply playing and enjoying games at home, to streaming or making youtube videos, or even having blogs related to gaming and personal experiences. On the more "behind-the-scenes" side of this, there is the gaming industry. This can include anything from engineering and coding to animation, narration or even marketing.

Where the struggle really seems to lie for women, however, is mostly in the casually playing, streaming/ making videos, and more technical sides of the gaming industry. From the more at-home side, which is home-players, streamers, and video-makers, society tends to dub gaming as a "boys/ guys" interest. Often, women are harassed or talked down upon, not to be considered real gamers. There have been large strides in the past few years to let women know that, yes, it is okay and highly encouraged if you are interested in or have a knack for anything remotely related to STEM or gamings a pastime or career.

STEM is an acronym for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Throughout history, women have been known to be better at or more oriented toward a specific part of companies such as marketing and writing, or even administration. These are all incredibly prideful jobs, but with such a lack of women in STEM sections of the gaming industry, many organizations and individuals are encouraging girls and women to be open and expressive in what they enjoy and are interested in.

I hope you find support, new ideas or information, and hope for women in gaming and/or the gaming industry.

If you have any questions, comments, or just need someone to bounce ideas off of, feel free to email me at micathegamer@gmail.com
