Introduction to TED Talks

Whether you have already read or viewed either of the TED Talks that have been discussed, or are just about to begin, it is important for me to separately discuss why these are important. You might tell yourself 'These don't have gaming in the title'. You'd be right: they don't.

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If you have explored this website already, you might know that I discuss LGBTQ terminology and their inclusion in the tech world. This is only one example of something that may not seem to directly associate with gaming, but it does.

The chosen TED Talks also have a lot to do with gaming. The Gaming world can only exist if the tech world, especially with the inclusion of women, exists. On top of this, within the tech world, there has been a large movement in the past decade or so to inspire more girls and women to be interested in STEM (you can read about this on my "About" page). Without women in STEM, there would be no women in tech, and therefore no women in gaming.
These TED Talks discuss the importance of supporting women no matter what hobbies they have or what field they want to go in. Since women are just starting to have support and influence in STEM careers, this is an important time to uplift each other and understand the importance of doing so.

Read through my posts or just watch the TED talks if you're more inclined to videos. Either way, you will still receive an incredible message that was produced by powerful, inspiring women.
